Ray was great to work with. The whole process went smooth. He’s great in communicating of what is needed with his clients. Highly recommend him to anyone interested in purchasing a home.
I told Ray what exact style of home I was looking for on a Tuesday night about 8:30 pm and Ray had 15 houses that all met the layout and price range I was looking for by 9 pm. Ray goes above and beyond to help with the entire home buying process and doesn’t sugar coat or put out false information to rush the home buying process. Highly recommend his services to anyone and everyone.
Ray is the best. There is not enough hyperbole I could use to portray the excellent service he provides. Buying a home for the first time can be a stressful process, and thanks to him, the process was bearable. He explains in detail the steps to follow, he’s not shy to share his knowledge, and he takes the extra mile to deliver the goods. Don’t keep a doubt in your mind, he will get the job done. It’s always satisfying to watch someone perform with excellence the job they love. For any future real estate needs I might have, I will definitely call him again.